Chinese Herbal Therapy

USing nature to find a balance

What IS Chinese Herbal Therapy?

Chinese Herbal Therapy is the use of herbs and minerals to treat disorders from the root of the issue. Your herbal formula is tailored specifically to you and your concerns, verses Western therapies that are one size fits all.

Our bodies are as unique as we are and our medicine should be too. Every herb has its own unique functions in the body and with over 300 herbs to choose from, creating personalized formulas is easy. Chinese herbs can be used individually, but they really shine when used in combination with each other.

Every formula is unique and is based off of the root cause of the disorder, plus modifications to your specific symptoms. Formulas can also be modified to work with allergen and dietary concerns.

Picture of herbs, Ginseng, Ren Shen, Jujube, Da Zao, Chinese Herbal Therapy, Blue Sky Family Acupuncture
Bundles of herbs, Ganoderma, Ling Zhi, Poria, Fu Ling, Jujube, Hong Zao, Astragalus, Huang Qi, Chinese Herbal Therapy, Blue Sky Family Acupuncture

About chinese herbs

Chinese herbs consist of plant parts, plant extracts, minerals, and occasionally animal substances. Some herbs are used when raw, others used after being processed (fried, charred, etc). By processing the herbs we can change the actions or temperature of the herbs as needed, as well as eliminate toxicity of some raw herbs.

Formulas are available in a variety of forms: decoction, granular tea, and pills.  Decoction is a tea made with the physical herbs and can be cooked at home by the patient. This can be more work than people want to do, so most often formulas are made into a granular tea. Granular teas are made of desiccated herbs (think salt water where the water has been boiled off and the salt is left) that come in a powder which is then just added to hot water. Granular teas are also the most cost effective version. For those who do not need a modified formula or if they don’t like the taste of herbs, there is an option for a patent, which is a pressed pill or capsule of granular herbs. Patents are very convenient, but are not a strong as a tea. These options will be discussed during the appointment to help you find the best form of formula for you and your lifestyle.

Most herbs are for ingestion as a tea or tincture, but there are some herbs that are used topically only and can be processed as a herbal soak, a salve, or lotion. These can be purchased pre-made or can be made fresh in house.

Safety & Efficacy of herbs

Chinese herbal medicine has been around for centuries, with the first records dating back to 200 BCE and was throughly refined during the 14th century. For many years the benefits have been anecdotal, but with the advancement of Western medicine in the 19th century the benefits have now been proven scientifically.

All herbs used in the clinic come from sources that receive GMP certification (controlled by the FDA) and are tested in a CNAS-certified lab, featuring the highest level of third-party laboratory certification available. All herbs are tested for botanical identity, heavy metals, molds, yeasts, and other contaminants. Our herbs are only available to licensed Acupuncturists and Herbalists.

There are some safety concerns with Chinese herbs, as with any medicine, in regards to side effects, toxicity, and herb-drug interactions. Trained herbalists, such as myself, also have extensive training in Western physiology, pathology, and pharmacology to safely administer Chinese herbs and to know when herbs are contraindicated. While the state of Colorado does not require Acupuncturists and Herbalists to be board certified in Chinese Herbs to prescribe them, I have taken the additional board exam making me Board Certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (Diplomate of Oriental Medicine).

Herbs in a spoon, Chinese Herbal Therapy, Blue Sky Family Acupuncture